The information on this internet site is for personal use only and is supplied without any certification as to its exactness.
It is at the users own risk if this internet site is accessed and the information provided is used.
Dancorp accepts no responsibility for any loss from the use of this internet site and makes no demonstrations as to the accuracy of the sites information for any purpose whatsoever.
At any time Dancorp has the right to alter/change any information on this internet site at any time without any notice given.
No responsibility will rest on Dancorp for any damage to a users computer or software linking to this internet site or its use.
Dancorp takes no responsibility for the URLs on this internet site with linkages to other sites. It is purely provided for the convenience of the user. Such linkages do not act as endorsement by Dancorp for the information supplied at that internet site. The Linked sites will have their own terms and conditions which the user should be familiarised with.
It is at the users own risk should he/she use automatic translation services in association with this internet site.